Daylight Saying Time Ends
Daylight Saving Time Ends - Remember to turn your clock BACK ONE HOUR!
Daylight Saving Time Ends - Remember to turn your clock BACK ONE HOUR!
Join Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church every Sunday morning for our ONLINE Worship Service. Worship Services are streamed on both our Facebook and YouTube pages each Sunday Morning at 11:00AM. Links […]
Rev. Tory and the Board of Directors invite you to join them immediately following online worship on the first Sunday of each month at 12:00 noon for our virtual get […]
Please join us for the next Theology on Tap | ONLINE Theology-on-Tap has gone ONLINE! Grab your favorite beverage and some snack type foods and join us for an evening of […]
Join Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church every Sunday morning for our ONLINE Worship Service. Worship Services are streamed on both our Facebook and YouTube pages each Sunday Morning at 11:00AM. Links […]
The Board of Directors Meetings the first Tuesday of each month to discuss the business and happenings of the church. Visitors are welcome to come as a spectator and learn […]
Join Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church every Sunday morning for our ONLINE Worship Service. Worship Services are streamed on both our Facebook and YouTube pages each Sunday Morning at 11:00AM. Links […]