50 Years and Growing Strong
Fifty years ago in November of 1971, a group of believers met for the very first time not only for a time of Worship together, but also to chart a course for the future as a Church Family. Little did they know then of all the tremendous plans God had for Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, yet we are here today as a testimony to the Sovereign plan of God, as well as serving as representatives of what God can do with people following God’s will.
While there have been difficulties along the way, we have seen time and time again miracles of God’s provision, power, and protection! God truly is good ALL the time…even when we may not understand God’s ways.
As the 10th settled minister, and many locations later to find home where we are currently settled, Reverend Tory V. Topjian, states “now being the oldest existing LGBTQI+ organization, not only in Milwaukee, but the state of Wisconsin, we continue to celebrate the love of God, along with welcoming for ALL God’s people to our community of faith.”
Milwaukee MCC celebrated our 50th Anniversary Service on Sunday, November 17, 2023, at the wonderful Skyy Lounge at American Family Field (Formerly Miller Park), with all the pomp and circumstance celebrating this momentous occasion. We also celebrated with our sister congregation Angels of Hope as they too share the same anniversary date, as they too celebrated, but celebrated 35 years as a community of faith.
Both churches also celebrated in grand style the night before at the Skyy Lounge at American Family Field as the church held its annual anniversary fundraiser, “A Night of Cabaret” raising funds for the church to continue with offering the great programing and worship that the church is known for.
We were also celebrated with video messages, letters and honored by the City, State and Milwaukee County Historical Society, for celebrating 50 years strong in Milwaukee, along with being the first LGBTQI+ organization to acquire and own property not only in the city of Milwaukee, but the state of Wisconsin.
Message from our Founder and First Moderator of Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Reverend Elder Troy D. Perry
Message from our Current and Third Moderator of Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Reverend Elder Cecilia Eggleston
Congratulatory Message from our State Senator
Senator Tammy Baldwin