Dear Beloved in Christ,
I come to you today, because I bring you some updated news about what is happening here at Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church, and where we stand with in-person worship.
But first, please know that your board of directors, as well as me, have been praying for you each and every day. Know that we are committed in keeping the church open, as to continue the work this church is called upon to do.
I also want to let you know that this last Tuesday evening, as I met with the board of directors for our monthly meeting, that we had a lengthy discussion about the need for in-person worship.
Additionally, I wanted to give you a brief update on the repairs and remodel of our church building. While we have been making much progress, we are still working diligently to update, remodel and give you a church building that is better than ever when we are able to return. Our Vice-Moderator, David Huibregtse, along with his crew have been working harder than ever to get the repairs needed after the vandalism, while at the same time update and make our church more aesthetically appealing to all of us.
And with that discussion, we came to terms with having to make a very difficult but necessary set of decisions. First and foremost, the difficult and very necessary decision was the safety for each of us. But a decision that we are not going to be planning in-person worship in our building, until 2021.
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will look very different this year. We will have a virtual meeting on Sunday, November 15th following worship via zoom. However, it will be a brief meeting, with the board and I, presenting the year-end reports, and the proposed budget for 2021, that we will vote on in-person when we are able to meet again in person. Board positions will carry over for an additional year, until we formally meet next November 2021.
We further made the decision to cancel and not hold this year’s annual fundraising gala, “A Night of Cabaret,” for the protection and safety of each and every one of us. I’m sure at this point you know that this gala is one of our largest fundraising efforts each year, that brings a great sum of revenue to the church.
For many of you, I’m sure that this comes as of a bit of a heavy decision that was made, but be assured that we have been looking at ways in which we might be able to gather at the church safely, but we felt that these decisions were necessary to make.
We also wanted and needed to make this decision, as it has become somewhat difficult for us to plan, what is about to be, a heavy season in our church’s calendar, that includes our Anniversary in November, Thanksgiving, Advent, as well as Christmas. This also includes the many other activities we do in the last few months of our church calendar year. Therefore, this has created difficult decisions for the board and I, in order to make plans, as it evolves around worship and activities, not knowing the certainty whether we would or wouldn’t be back in our building.
Now of course, by some miraculous miracle, a vaccine is found, or if something God-given happens, we will be back together in our building once again, while giving great praise to God with all our hearts and.
Now, in the likelihood that doesn’t happen, and the likelihood, at this point in time, is that it will not happen, we will again evaluate, have further discussions, and make decisions closer to Advent and Christmas.
In the meantime, I invite you to continue to pray for your board of directors, the church staff and myself, as we all continue to manage the day to day operations of the church.
I also invite you to stay engaged with us through online worship, our virtual fellowship gatherings, our monthly Theology-on-Tap events, along with all the other forms of engagement that are offered. But I also invite you stay connected with your church by remaining faithful.
We know that this is a tough time for each of you, both financially and physically, but also know it has also been a tough time financially for your church as well. As your church, we depend on your contributions, while at the same time deeply appreciate all that you have done during this year, and all that we hope you’ll be able to continue to do in the months ahead.
Please know that we will keep you up to date as much as possible, but ask you to stay connected with us through The Weekly, Facebook, our Website, along with the many other channels of communication we offer.
I am confident that in the days and months ahead, we will get through all of this together. As I continue to pray for each and every one of you, I hope that you’d continue to pray for me, knowing that we will re-gather soon, when it is safe to do so.
My blessings to each and every one of you. Amen.
Reverend Tory V. Topjian
Senior Minister
[email protected]
Worship Services – Sundays at 11am
1239 W Mineral Street • Milwaukee, WI 53204
414-383-1100 •